The Easy Guide To Register For UEN in Singapore

23 Jan 2024  · 7 minutes Read
The Easy Guide To Register For UEN in Singapore

The Easy Guide to Register Your UEN in Singapore

UEN stands for Unique Entity Number. It is a unique identification number assigned to business entities registered in Singapore, including companies, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and limited liability partnerships. You can also use it for entities — different business structures, e.g. sole proprietorships, partnerships, etc. 

Now, you may think to yourself ‘Is UEN just another fancy term for a company registration number?’ Well, think of it as a business version of your National Registration Identification Card (NRIC) number, specially crafted for companies in Singapore! 

If you wish to start a company or do business in Singapore, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about getting a UEN number. 

What is UEN in Singapore? 

A UEN number is a ten or nine-digit identification number issued by Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority ACRA to all companies/businesses/entities that have operations in Singapore. In other words, the UEN uniquely identifies the entity.

It is useful when you need to interact with different government agencies. It comes in handy when tax filing returns, procurement of import/export permits and applying for various permits. 

How Do You Register for a UEN in Singapore? 

Local companies and businesses in Singapore can get a UEN by applying through ACRA and they will be assigned an ACRA registration number. Once you pass through the registration process and standard incorporation procedure, it will be issued. 

However, for other entities, you can get a UEN in Singapore by applying through different issuance agencies such as: 

  • International Enterprise Singapore 
  • Ministry of Finance 
  • Ministry of Education 
  • Ministry of Defence   
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
  • Islamic Religious Council of Singapore 
  • Ministry of Health 
  • Ministry of Communication and Information 
  • Ministry of Law 
  • Monetary Authority 
  • Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth 
  • People’s Association   
  • Registry of Societies 
  • Ministry of Manpower 
  • Singapore Land Authority 
  • Smart Nation and Digital Government Office 
  • Ministry of National Development 

However, keep in mind that some entities are not eligible for a UEN in Singapore. For example, entities with no interactions with government agencies cannot be issued a Unique Entity Number. So if your entity is bound to have only one interaction with a government agency, you do not need a UEN. Sub-branches of entities also do not require a UEN to run. 

Who Will Issue the UEN to Me and How Do I Get It? 

For businesses, you can get your unique entity number (UEN) once you register with ACRA.

Here are the three UEN formats provided:

‘n’ = a number

‘P’= a alphabetical letter

‘Q’ = an alpha-numeric digit

‘PQ’ = Entity-type 2

‘Tyy’ / ‘Syy’ / ‘yyyy’= year of issuance 

‘X’ = a check alphabet

For example, the UEN for a limited liability partnership (LLP) formed on 1 January 2009 could be ‘T09LL0001B’.

If you are a foreign entity registered with ACRA, you will also be issued a UEN with ACRA and it will look like TyyUFnnnnX.

However, for entities, the agency that issues your UEN solely depends on the type of entity you are running(see above).

If you want to get a UEN, here is what you need to do: 

  1. Choose your business structure(entity) — decide whether you want to form a partnership or a company. Make sure you read and understand the legal requirements of your entity before registering your business. 
  2. Register your business — once you have your business structure, head over to the BizFile+ website and register it. It is a relatively quick process, and you can complete it in a sitting unless your business is in specific regulated sectors such as Defense, Real Estate, and Architecture. 
  3. Decide whether you want a special UEN(SUN) — at this stage, you have to pick between a regular UEN and a SUN (see below for more info). A SUN allows business owners to choose from a list of reserved UENs to make it easier to recall and identify their own UEN when transacting with the government, but it will be costlier.   
  4. Check your UEN after registering. Once you have registered and paid the relevant fee, you will be given a business profile that contains details of your business and your entity’s UEN. To check your UEN, you can search on BizFile+ or   

Do take note that your UEN is a permanent and unique number that cannot be changed if your business name changes. This unique number will also not be given to any other entity.

Do All Businesses Need a UEN?

After UEN was introduced in 2009, all entities that are registered in Singapore listed below need to have a UEN:

  • Businesses
  • Local companies
  • Limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
  • Societies
  • Representative offices
  • Healthcare institutions
  • Trade unions

Why is a UEN Significant? 

  • Communication — The UEN makes it easier for you to communicate with different government agencies. It is one number that you can use for filing returns, applying for permits, making CPF contributions, updating licenses, etc. 
  • Legitimacy — Having a UEN also makes your business look more legitimate to consumers/customers, partners and potential investors. They can easily search and verify your business profile through ACRA. 
  • UEN number PayNow — If your business is primarily online, having a UEN makes it easy to incorporate PayNow Corporate by linking your bank account with your UEN. That way, you will be able to send and receive payments from customers and other entities. 

What Else Should I Know About My UEN in Singapore? 

Displaying your UEN

It is a requirement by law to display your entity’s UEN on certain documents. These include: 

  • Receipts 
  • Order Forms 
  • Leaflets 
  • Letterheads 
  • Invoices 
  • Emails 
  • Brochures   
  • On your website and other online platforms 

Special UENs(SUN) 

Before registering your business, you have the option to obtain a unique UEN SUN from a reserved list of UENs. Owning one of these may boost the reputation of your business, and you can easily remember them. 

There are two types of SUNs: 

  • Tier 1 SUNs are characterised by the number 8, or a string of one consecutive number. For example, 201800800K, 20188888A or T18LL7777F. They can cost up to $3000 before including the registration cost of the business.   
  • Tier 2 SUNs, on the other hand, are characterised by repetitive numbers or end with three identical numbers. For example, T18LL1222N, 201812121R or 53410101G. They cost $1000 before including the registration cost of the business. 

Changing your UEN 

You cannot change your UEN once you’ve registered your business. The only option is to register a new business and get a new UEN.   

Note: This also applies to SUNs. You cannot purchase a SUN after registering your business. You can only pay for it at the business registration stage if you wish to get one. 

UEN numbers make it easy to identify and interact with different entities and government agencies. Each company/entity has a unique UEN, so you can easily search and verify it online using the websites mentioned above. If you have any queries regarding UEN and how to get one, you can reach out to a company that provides incorporation services for assistance.

How Do I Find Out About Another Entity’s UEN?

To find another company’s UEN, you can search via ACRA’s online directory. This search will reveal details such as the UEN, company name, UEN status, UEN issuance agency, entity type, and partial address. Companies not registered with ACRA but with other listed agencies use the same directory to access similar information.


Sometimes, all you need is a good corporate secretary to manage all your files neatly at bay. Let us handle those nitty-gritty documents so that you can simplify your company’s administration work while not missing a deadline ever again.  

Additionally, changing your UEN is a simple process as it is a single identification number, known as a unique identifier, that can be used for all interactions with government departments, reducing administrative burdens for businesses and local companies registered in Singapore.